Thursday, June 16, 2011

saturday fun

we finally got the kids new pool set up last weekend... and of course, they loved it!! seriously, best $25 ever spent! i can't wait to spend the next several saturdays soaking up the sun and swimming!
i mean, could they be ANY cuter? i just want to eat them up with a spoon!!

hats: check. boats: check. water guns: check. goggles: check. diving toys: check.
cute boys: CHECK CHECK!
an extra special part of the day... fun with my long lost bff!! most of you probably know that loni moved to hawaii last summer. it was soooo good to finally see her again! she came home for a visit and we got to hang out two saturdays in a row. i'm not gonna know what to do this saturday though when she's back in hawaii :( we went shopping last weekend, and had a blast at the outlets. this past saturday, she came over to enjoy our new kiddie pool. ;o)
 when they kids took their nap, we took over their pool. and water guns :) i love that no matter what's going on, or how long it's been since we've seen each other, we pick right back up and have such a good time.
 haha. notice our pop-ices that match our bathing suits! yes, we know. we are dorks. but supa cool dorks in tha baby pool. :)) love this girl!!
 we managed to get one decent pic when the boys woke up from their naps! they had fun with aunt nini, and loved their treats she brought back from the island! (however, the toys they are holding are their goodies from disney from their cousins, not hawaii!)
 wow... check out this post from last summer, right before loni moved. loni looked great then, like she always does! but i def am loving the new and improved, skinnier, longer haired me, this year vs. last year!! ha. it really was great seeing loni and hanging out with her. she was a busy little lady while in the states, acting like a politician... visiting tons of friends and kissing babies left and right!
btw... nate and i are planning a trip to visit loni and jake next may, and we are SOOO excited.
hawaii 2012, here we come!!


memesangels said...

You cracked me up with your "in the states" comment.

Meg said...

you are like us...we play our hearts out in that little pool! who needs a 10 thousand dollar pool....we are just fine with a little one....I guess we might be in trouble when they are teens:)

jozh said...

Soooo much fun! I love our matching pop ices... and looking at these pics inspires me to see if I can find your swimsuit online... Next year we might be fighting over the red pop ice and wearing the same suit, haha! Love u crazy J!!!