Thursday, December 11, 2008

Prego Blues...

Well it seems these pregnancy hormones are catching up with me... I have just been very emotional the past few days. (It's bad enough when other people notice, but the fact that I admit it strait up lets you know, it's been rough!!) I don't think these dreary, rainy days have helped much. Now SNOW on the other hand would make me happy, but I doubt our area will see much, and I'm sure it won't stick if we get any. Oh well... we can always hope!

Nothing really new with us, just staying busy and watching my babies grow so fast (Yes, I mean Trace AND Lucas!) My belly just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Hopefully I can make my clothes stretch a little more and they will fit til I deliver this boy :-) Not too much longer and we will meet our little man! I can't WAIT! And Trace is also growing and just becoming so smart. He talks non-stop, and even though sometimes we can't understand him, more and more things are making sense. And the boy LOVES to sing, I think he is gonna be just like his Daddy in so many ways! He loves singing Jesus Loves Me, but knows the chorus best. Some other favs are Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, If You're Happy and You Know It (his fav verse is "Say AMEN!" and he throws his arm in the air and yells "Ah-MENNNN!" It's soooo ADORABLE!!!!!!) OH, and he knows his ABC's! He can't say all of them, but he def knows the song. Actually, I think he really does say all of them, b/c if you start him out, then stop, he'll pick up where you left off. I love to hear him rush thru HIJKLMNOP. It's so funny. And if you say W, X, he shouts Y AND Z! I'm telling you, he amazes me! He can also count to 10. The best part is I know he picks most of these things up from Caden and Kenley. We work with him and sing, count, etc, but when he burst out singing Twinkle Twinkle while eating dinner the other night, Nate and I both were like "We didn't teach him that!"

He keeps me laughing, even if I am laughing through the tears these days! ;-) I love Trace so much and find myself at a loss for words when praying and thanking God for my sweet sweet baby boy!

We have a few Christmas things this weekend... Saturday night is Nate's work Christmas Party. Bitsy and Poppi are watching Trace for us so we can party the night away. HA! I am looking forward to getting all dressed up (well as dressed up as this Lil Mama gets these days!) and eating some good food and hanging out with our good friends Mandy and Bobby. I doubt I'll get out on the dance floor or be too wild and crazy, I'm just hoping to stay awake thru it all! LoL. Then Sunday we have our Christmas Program at church at 9 & 11 AM, which always proves to be a great performance. The kids choir will sing and I always love to watch them. Hard to believe the boys will probably be up there next year! WOW!

I'll try and remember to take a few pics before we go to Nate's party and post them this weekend! Hope you all are having a Merry Christmas Season! Stay safe and Warm, maybe we'll see some snow later on today!