Monday, November 16, 2009

ups and downs

poor lucas is sick again. i took him to the dr friday afternoon, and whatdoyaknow, he has another ear infection! we skipped his official 9 month well visit... funny how we ended up there for a 9 month visit afterall. we went ahead and got the good meds right out of the gate, so hopefully lucas will be well after only 1 round of it this time! oh yeah, i'm not sure how long lucas is, but he weighs 18 pounds and 9 ounces. i'm sure ya'll are thinking that he's huge, but really, he's not! he is long and skinny!! my nephew mason, who is only 8 months, was also at the dr this weekend (double ear infection for that poor baby!) and he weighs 22 pounds 3 ounces. remember mason, who was very sick and in the nicu for 2 weeks when he was born? yeah, he's made a huge comeback! see, i told you lucas is scrawny! :)
anyways... nate was out of town all weekend serving at a boys youth weekend, so i was home alone with my babies. we had our ups and downs... even though lucas was a lil whiny, and trace was testing my patience A LOT, we had a good weekend! i do hate that lucas was sick though. so we were VERY excited to see nate when he came home last nite! it really makes me realize how blessed i am. i could not handle being a single mom for very long. nate does so much around the house and for me and the boys, and i know now that i take a lot of it for granted, or complain that he doesn't do enough. sorry about that nate! you are awesome AND i love you!! thanks for all you do!
ok...... so here was probably the best UP of the weekend... it's a video of my little man. it's from my phone, so i know it's a little blurry. but hopefully you can still HEAR what he's saying, b/c that's the most important part! he is getting so big. notice i am on the couch, with a tv tray in front of me. he pulled himself up to the couch, then almost pulled the tv tray down on top of him! anyways. listen close and you'll see why this made mama SO happy this weekend!!

so in case you didn't catch that, maybe you could read his lips and tell he was saying MA-MA!!!