we will have his birthday party this afternoon... and i have a lot to do before then, so i better wrap this up!
Friday, January 29, 2010
one year ago today
we will have his birthday party this afternoon... and i have a lot to do before then, so i better wrap this up!
Posted by Trace Car Driver at 11:14 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 28, 2010
grab a diaper wipe
Posted by Trace Car Driver at 1:34 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
so how hard could it be to get a few good pictures of the boys? the one above is GREAT, in my opinion. and of course the single one from yesterday's post was pretty darn close to PERFECT! but i thought i would show you just a few of the many outtakes we had just to get a few good pics!
what sweet and silly boys! they sure fill my life with laughter and joy!
Posted by Trace Car Driver at 8:18 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
NOT ME! Monday
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
i am so not in denial that my precious fit thrower is about to be one. i have not been reminiscing this past week about those first few days at home with him, when our little world had been rocked to it's core. in case you don't remember, i did not let lucas spend the night with his meme when he was ONLY 4 brand new days old, and then with his bitsy the next night when he was 5 days old. nope, i'm a super mom who had NO postpartum and was not overwhelmed in the least taking care of our 22 month old and his newborn brother. i totally had it ALL together! :o)
this is NOT the first time the sink was empty this week. i would NEVER let dirty dishes overflow from monday-sunday. i did not finally give in and wash them when there were no more sippy cups clean. i always wash the dishes every night so they don't stack up in the sink.
and lastly, trace did not recently discover his newest obsession: scooby doo! he does not know the names of all the characters (scooby, shaggy, freddy, velma, and daphne.) he does not beg to watch scooby every minute that he is awake. and lately, i do not give in b/c it keeps him occupied. no, not me! i know that studies say kids should only watch an hour or less of tv a day, and i always do what studies suggest. i mean, what kind of mom do you think i am? (ok seriously, do NOT answer that outloud!) ha.
whew! it feels so good to get that off my chest! so what have you NOT been doing this week?
Posted by Trace Car Driver at 7:42 PM 4 comments
Sunday, January 17, 2010
all smiles?
so last week it was super cold outside, so we stayed in as much as possible... which led to bored little boys at the whitt house! lucas is always under my feet when i am in the kitchen, or either trying to pull stuff out of the cabinets. so i finally gave in and let him play with several pots, pans, and bowls! 3 wooden spoons later, and the boys were having a good ol' time!
1, 2, a 1, 2, 3, 4! trace would count it off and hit his wooden spoons against each other, and then start playing a "rock and roll!" song. it was too cute. i videoed some of it, maybe i will try and load it on here!
i really think trace is going to be musically inclined. he takes after his daddy for sure, b/c i can hardly clap on beat, much less play any type of instrument! :) trace was going to town on these drums. he had the best time. he would fuss at lucas when lucas messed up his drum set!
the boys have little rocking chairs that they love! lucas is getting brave, and trying to crawl up in his. i actually caught him crawling in it, then standing up backwards! i was too scared he was gonna fall to take a pic... so here are just a few cute pics of the boys posing!
sweet smiles!
trace, however, gave me silly smiles and faces!
notice the fleece pj's... the boys wore them all weekend. not just at night, during the day too! i am all about being comfy and cozy!
and this one just makes me laugh! my lil pop-eye!
i wish i could say things have been all smiles around our house, but it's not so. i took lucas back to the pediatrician bright and early saturday morning. and guess what? he has an ear infection! that's right folks, tubes on monday and ear infection on saturday. grrrr. poor thing also has an upper respiratory infection. so he has new antibiotic ear drops as well as an oral antibiotic that he hasn't been on yet. i am praying this little cold and infection were already setting in, even before tubes, and it's not a sign of what's to come in the future post-tubes for lucas. he has been fussier than normal, and yesterday the ONLY nap he took was before church. it was a long day for us, but fortunately he was so tired from not taking a nap that he slept all night. and with some help from my friend mr. tylenol pm, so did i! :o) i am praying these meds start helping him soon, and our sweet smiley boy is well for his big birthday bash. can you believe in less than 2 weeks he will turn one??? wow!
Posted by Trace Car Driver at 6:55 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
in HIS hands
the nurse was great with him. he was so curious when she was taking his pulse and bp, but he sat still the whole time and never cried! such a big boy!
this is in our room, room # 14
there was a playroom, and several wagons/riding toys. nate and i took turns walking him up and down the hallways while he enjoyed riding in the wagon.
getting some snuggle time with mama. sweet sweet boy! we played and laughed, prayed, and sang jesus loves me! and of course posed for plenty of pics! :) (thanks nate for humoring me!)
this next picture is when he came back after the tubes. he was fussy and a little out of it. :(
but it sure didn't take him long to get happy again! this is after his nap... he was playing and being so sweet and silly, as usual!
lucas and trace both have a yucky cough and runny nose, despite my efforts of keeping them in out of the cold all weekend. i am praying they both clear up soon and it's nothing major. praise god for a quick and easy surgery today. i am so thankful for his peace and love that surrounded us. again, i know tubes are very routine and not a big deal, but it can be scary when it's your baby! as a friend on facebook reminded me last nite, he has the whole world IN HIS HANDS... even the itty bitty babies! thank you jesus for keeping us all in your hands. there is no place i'd rather be!
Posted by Trace Car Driver at 1:28 PM 1 comments